You Fit Taunton offers extensive opening hours making it convenient for all members, whatever time is suitable:
For any information please contact us directly on 01823 350999 or email us at
Join one of our classes at You Fit Taunton which are run each week at the following times:
(please note these classes take up half of the pool).. Pre Booking required
(please note these classes take up the whole of the pool).. Pre Booking required
(please note these classes take up the whole of the pool).. Pre Booking required
(please note these classes take up half of the pool).. Pre Booking required
(please note these classes take up half of the pool).. Pre Booking required
(please note these classes take up half of the pool).. Pre Booking required
For more information please contact our club on 01823 350999 or email us at or visit our website here